Want Or Need To Retire Early? Tips On How To Pay For It.

Want Or Need To Retire Early? Tips On How To Pay For It.

  • Fixed income. One example of fixed income is real estate rentals. Certainly, there are downsides to being a landlord, but those who manage it right and carefully screen tenants may find this can provide a reliable income. Owning rental properties can come with tax advantages. Beyond that, the property’s value typically appreciates in a strong market, making it a potential long-term investment. If need be, you can sell it later in life to pay for such expenses as health or long-term care costs. If you don’t like the idea of handling upkeep and dealing with tenants yourself, you could hire a property management company, but that of course adds to your expenses. Another situation to be aware of is that during COVID-19 some states put a temporary ban on evictions for tenants who meet certain criteria, which could make it hard to collect on rent in those situations.

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