Ten “Mini-Resolutions” That Will Pay Off Big in 2022

Ten “Mini-Resolutions” That Will Pay Off Big in 2022

We all know what it’s like to make hollow New Year’s resolutions that don’t last beyond January. Well, it’s June. It’s time to reassess those resolutions, make adjustments, and reapproach. This year, Bert Thornton says you can break that pattern by making a few small high-impact changes that will boost your success in business and life. Think of them as “mini-resolutions.” Most of them don’t require a complete overhaul, but they can have a huge impact—Thornton has seen how powerful they are in action.

          “As a mentor, I’ve spent a lot of time observing the decisions people make about their time, relationships, attitude, and behavior—which are the things most of us tend to focus on when making New Year’s resolutions,” says Thornton, coauthor along with Dr. Sherry Hartnett of the new book High-Impact Mentoring: A Practical Guide to Creating Value in Other People’s Lives (BookLogix, 2021, ISBN: 978-1-6653-0344-6, $19.95, https://highimpactmentoringbook.com/). “The most successful folks deliberately commit to their success by choosing to act differently from the average person—every single day.”

          The former president and COO of Waffle House, Thornton has spent 40 years mentoring emerging leaders from various companies, educational institutions, and business associations. In the process, he identified ten behaviors that separate the standouts from the average.  

          “Everyone at any stage of their career can start embracing these small changes—and what better time than at the beginning of a fresh new year?” he adds. “We have the potential to learn and grow every day…and it’s never too late.”

          Thornton recommends choosing one or two of the following success habits to adopt as New Year’s resolutions. (“You can add more after you’ve hardwired the first few into your daily life—no need to wait for 2023!” he adds.)

Mini-Resolution #1: Take notes. Successful people keep a pen and paper or personal device with them, always. They don’t try to remember thoughts and facts; they write them down. 

“My most successful mentees keep a file of the best ideas they’ve thought of or heard,” adds Thornton. “When they read a great article that resonates, they add it to the list.” 

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