The Year of the Quit: Seven Things to Stop Doing in 2021

The Year of the Quit: Seven Things to Stop Doing in 2021

QUIT Trying to Keep Up with The Joneses. 

It’s a game that you cannot win! Whenever you compare yourself to someone else, you will always find someone that has something bigger, better, prettier, or newer than what you have. It’s a very slippery slope to be on. Instead, learn to be grateful for and content with what you have.

“Keeping up with the Joneses often means keeping up with a pretty picture that doesn’t represent what is going on behind closed doors,” notes Cook. “The Joneses oftentimes finance their way to that pretty picture. You don’t see the amount of work they do to maintain it, the stress they are hiding, and the dysfunction in their relationships that comes along with the pretty picture.”

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