Muggsy Bogues: How Fearlessness and Vision Led to NBA Greatness

Muggsy Bogues: How Fearlessness and Vision Led to NBA Greatness

Allison Kugel: Would you say the wife of an NBA player is a difficult life?  

Muggsy Bogues: It’s a challenge on both parts. For the woman, because they are the ones at home taking care of the kids and keeping the home. And for the person that is on the road, it comes back to a trust factor and understanding that even when we are apart, we are still together.  Hopefully temptations don’t lead you down the wrong path and the flesh doesn’t get more beyond where the mind should be, about what’s at home. Even though you are separated, you have to have that mindset and that trust factor that your partner is trusting you as well as you are trusting them to maintain that connection that you share with one another. Again, it’s tough, especially when you are around it. As athletes, so many things are thrown upon you and you have to be strong enough to know that it is a waste of time more than anything, and it’s not that serious to be throwing away what is so important that you have at home.  

Allison Kugel: When a movie is made one day about your life, which I suspect that it will be at some point, what do you hope and pray they get right?

Muggsy Bogues: How humble and appreciative I am in terms of the help I got along the way, and the confidence I have within. It’s not being cocky or egotistical. It is just being confident and believing that anything is possible with what you set your mind to. No one has the ability to make a change or a difference in your life, besides yourself.  Like I tell my kids, “You can do what you want to do. You can be who you want to be, and the only person stopping me is me.”  That does resonate with them, and that is something I always believed in, because no one has any power over me. I didn’t give them that power. I don’t care what they are saying or what they believe. A lot of folks try to spill their negativity they have for themselves onto you. I don’t give anybody that power, so hopefully they get right in a movie [about me], knowing that I was a confident kid, I didn’t care what anybody thinks, and I saw it all the way through.  

Muggsy Bogues

Allison Kugel: Have you ever had an idea of who should play you?  

Muggsy Bogues: I haven’t thought of any guys out there, because it’s hard to find someone as small that plays basketball…. I always say Kevin Hart, but Kevin Hart is too dark.  

Allison Kugel: It would have to be an unknown, maybe.  

Muggsy Bogues: Or maybe that little kid from [Amazon ‘s] The Underground Railroad, Chase Dillon. Maybe he could pull it off.  

Allison Kugel: Let’s talk about The Muggsy Bogues Family Foundation.  Is it run by your daughter Brittney?

Muggsy Bogues: Well, she is the Vice President. I have an Executive Director as well and, of course, board members and so forth. It is something that we are so passionate about. to be able to serve the Charlotte [, North Carolina] community. Our vision is to empower the underserved and youth to live a better quality of life, due to food security, education and workforce development.  We also have a scholarship program where we have partnered with CPCC here in Charlotte. They oversee our scholarship for kids to go to a trade school, for kids that have ambition in that industry to further their careers. I know a lot of people focus on the four-year universities, but I wanted to focus on trade-bound schools where kids can go right to work and be job-ready after they are finished, and debt free. They pay great salaries in these types of fields and I just wanted to bring some attention to that and give them the opportunity to where they can benefit themselves as well as their families.

Allison Kugel: Is there anything quirky about you that people would be surprised to learn? Do you have any unusual superstitions or habits?

Muggsy Bogues: I don’t do anything out of the ordinary.  I’m just so simple.  I’m just a guy that loves playing golf and comes home. We travel. I love eating Twizzlers. I love my candy. Sometimes I have my cocktail and I’ll take my Twizzler and use it a straw. So there’s something (laughs).

Allison Kugel:  What do you think you came into this life as Muggsy Bogues to learn, and what do you think you came here to teach?

Muggsy Bogues: I came here to learn how the world operates and how people are all different in their own ways. I came into the world to teach people that we all could be different, but at the same time, not be hateful and not be divisive. We can all get along as we accomplish all we chose to accomplish, once we believe within ourselves. Hopefully, during my time on this earth I can display those characteristics and affect people where they can see that we treat everybody the same; regardless of the color of our skin, or who we are, what size we are, or what gender we are.  

Allison Kugel: Would you say you are a living, breathing example that anything is possible? 

Muggsy Bogues: Absolutely, one thousand percent. I know I went against the odds and against the grain, being the smallest to ever do it. It’s all because of the man upstairs and understanding His faith and guidance, being a testament of Him, and having the confidence that you can be whoever you want.  

Learn more about the Muggsy Bogues Family Foundation at Visit and follow on Instagram @therealmuggsy.

Watch or listen to the extended Muggsy Bogues interview on the Allison Interviews Podcast at Apple, Spotify, or on YouTube.

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