Alex Carneiro Shares His Post Covid Blueprint to Health: Kickstarting your Healthy Lifestyle After a Pandemic

Alex Carneiro Shares His Post Covid Blueprint to Health: Kickstarting your Healthy Lifestyle After a Pandemic

Alex Carneiro

Motivation to Workout Post Covid

If your motivation to exercise during the pandemic is as elusive as flour and antibacterial wipes, that’s not surprising, and you’re not alone. In most states, gyms and studios completely closed down for the general safety of everyone. This left many without a physical location to de-stress, socialize, and most importantly take care of their bodies and mind. Several states have re-opened their locations but many of us feel now more than ever unmotivated to get back. So, here’s 4 ways to get your groove back and come back even stronger than ever

1. Set New Fun Goals

Working out without a plan ends up being the number 1 reason most people fail in the first few weeks of their new fitness regimen. It’s like driving a car with no destination. Eventually, the fuel runs out and you’re stuck.  Set some goals up. If you’ve gained 15lbs during the pandemic then set to lose 20-25lbs. It’s not enough just to go back to where you started, challenge yourself to become even better.  Perhaps set up a friendly competition with a friend and both of you challenge each other for 1 month to see who loses more weight. The loser buys the other a new set of headphones or a new workout shirt. 

2. Try Something New

If prior to the pandemic you were already unmotivated to workout then chances are you’re not magically going to be now. I suggest you find something new such as a spin class, kickboxing studio, or another type of activity you haven’t tried yet. When we change our comfort zone our brains become way more excited to keep focus and attention. It might be slightly uncomfortable at first, but it keeps your system in shock and intrigued for what’s coming next, this in turn keeps you likely more motivated. 

Alex Carneiro

3. Not Ready for the Gym? Use technology

Many of us may be worried about going to public places. Totally understandable. A home workout routine is what I will encourage you to do. With so many online trainers, classes, and gyms offering free workouts these days there are hundreds upon thousands of free options for you to try something at home. Don’t forget, your body is the best machine ever created, don’t be scared of trying a full body home workout using a resistance like light a backpack, a gallon of water or milk, or even some books. If you live in a state that has outdoor trails than start working on these and get your step levels up. If you have a do, start walking him/her more often and challenge yourself to longer walks weekly. The idea is to get up and start moving more. 

4. Find a Workout Friend

One of the biggest challenges for many during Covid has been realizing how much we miss socializing with our close friends and family has become. The things we took for granted are now a luxury. While respecting social distancing and your own state’s laws, find a friend that you trust to keep each other accountable. Whether it’s meeting at a park for a walk or jog, meeting them at your local gym, or anywhere else you can exercise, by having someone else there you will feel more energized and motivated to not only exercise but also regain that sense of being social again. You can additionally create new challenges for yourself with them and try different things so you don’t feel bored doing the same activity. Find perhaps a new trail or try a new physical activity with them. The key is basically having an accountability partner to get your moving. 

By Alex Carneiro

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